Voice Disorders
Chronic hoarseness and intermittent voice loss are the most common symptoms of a voice disorder. Voice disorders can occur at any age. Young boys are more likely than girls to develop a voice disorder, but voice disorders are more common amongst adolescent girls, as well as women of all ages.
The first step is to see an Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) doctor, also known as an Otolaryngologist. After that doctor has ruled out any rare but more serious problem, and provided a specific diagnosis, often vocal nodules, we work with patients to strengthen their voices and to modify the vocal behaviors that caused the problem.
Voice Affirming Therapy
Typically, voice therapy is a component of feminization of the voice for people transitioning from MtF. Although less common, voice therapy can be indicated for people transition from FtM, for whom medication alone does not result in sufficient vocal change. This therapy targets vocal characteristics such as pitch and intonation that have not been adequately altered via medication and/or vocal surgery. Making these changes without causing further damage to the voice is a key focus of the therapy. An important component of voice therapy should also include nonverbal communication, such as the use of gestures and facial expressions. We help meet you where you are with your current communication patterns and styles, finding a communication style that suits you best.